We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Archive for the ‘Little Inferno’ Category

First Round of Beta Has Begun

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

Little Inferno DisketteThank you, volunteers! The first (small) round of beta invites have gone out! Make sure you also check your email’s spam folder, as our naughty mail program loves to hang out with the spam and unsavory types.

For this first round, our Selection Bot weighted its selections heavily towards players who also volunteered to help translate into other languages, and are also running Windows natively. He’s not the smartest bot, yet, though, so if your welcome mail has not arrived, do no fret. More rounds are coming up very soon.


Beta Survey for Potential Beta Players Filtering Time

Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

PR RepresentativeTo help our lovely Beta Selection Bot select the first few rounds of beta testers, PLEASE CHOOSE WISELY:

CHOICE 1: I already pre-ordered and I would totally like to beta test Little Inferno, and I also understand that beta testing involves actually playing a game that’s not 100% ready, and not just a sneaky way to get the game early, jsut telL ME WHAT TO DO NOW NOW NOW!!!

CHOICE 2: Maybe? How do I pre-order so I can click the first option?

CHOICE 3: The above do not apply to me, but I would still like to click on something please.


Nintendo Power Preview of Little Inferno

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Nintendo Power Preview Preview Preview

If you’re curious to know more about Little Inferno, there’s a 4-page preview in the brand new October issue of Nintendo Power Magazine. Fun Fact: Our programming mastermind Allan has collected every single issue of Nintendo Power ever since he was a kid. So getting featured in one of the very last issues makes this an especially special preview for us kids of the 90s.

You can read the first two pages here, but the other two pages exist only in the real live pages of the paper magazine. (While we wait for ours to arrive, if anyone has a photo or scan, please send our way, as we haven’t even seen them yet!) Thanks to Phil, Chris, and Steven at Nintendo Power for forcing us to start talking about this game.

Release Date: Little Inferno is a Launch Title on Wii U, Surprise

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

Little Inferno Wii U November 2012

I don’t think we ever actually announced anywhere, except maybe vaguely, that we were shooting to have Little Inferno ready for Day 1 of the Wii U launch, but apparently that news has been discovered by old friend of Hatsworth and World of Goo and super sleuth Mr. Stephen Totilo and the fine folks at Kotaku. So that means mid-November. And we’re honored to be in such sophisticated indie company.

For non-nintendo folks, we’re planning to have the Windows version ready the same day, on our site, and on Steam, and possibly on a few other stores still in talks.

This is all dependent upon us ironing out the last few details and shoveling in as much coal and hydrocarbons as we can. Lots more updates to follow, including a new trailer in progress that actually shows real actual gameplay – I know it’s been a long time coming.


Little Inferno Officially Extremely Dangerous, Rated T by ESRB

Monday, September 24th, 2012

BREAKING REPORT. The ESRB has officially declared Little Inferno unsafe for children, with a rating of “T for Teen”.

Tomorrow Corporation would like to take this opportunity to remind players to please use caution while playing with your Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace. Please do not insert your Little Inferno into your mouth, as it may pose a choking hazard. Please do not insert your children into your Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace, as they may not be easily reassembled. Little Inferno is for external use only.

Studies have indicated that when used properly, with appropriate safety measures, your Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace will warm your home – and your heart.

[Beta Update: We’re still testing on friends and family, and will launch the beta on Steam as soon as the last few changes are ticked off the punch list. If you’d like to take part in the beta, you can sign up here.]