We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Archive for the ‘Little Inferno’ Category

The Reticule interview regarding Little Inferno, mystery, robots

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

The Reticule Interview

Brand new interview about Little Inferno and other things is here. Interviewer is Mr. Chris Evans, one of the early supporters of World of Goo waaay back before it launched a long long time ago, and he’s an indie kid too, except instead of making games, he made his own game news site. Go read it!

Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

Chris: Without giving too much away about Little Inferno, can you tell us what games have had an influence on the ideas behind Little Inferno?

TomorrowCorp: Indie games tend to be outlets for their designers’ quirks and anxieties and unusual ways of experiencing the world. So, while we also look to games we love, most of Little Inferno is inspired by real life things that we find scary or confusing or totally absurd. Some things that inspired Little Inferno:

  • Playing with fire is really fun, but dangerous. Like kittens.
  • The simplest things can often be the most terrifying. (Example: Steven Moffat written episodes of Doctor Who)
  • New hobby: Ordering lots of things on Amazon and tracking shipments as they arrive.
  • It’s easy to stay stuck in a job that’s kindof ok, but maybe not what your childhood self would be proud of or excited by.
  • That slight but constant feeling that films and tv and advertisements and government programs treat you like a kid who’s too clueless to handle subtlety, or real explanations, or drama or comedy that’s not entirely broad and ham fisted.
  • Bugs and eggs.
  • That feeling of wanting to communicate with other people, but being entirely unheard or misunderstood.
  • Dental work.


NintendoLife Interview on Little Inferno

Friday, July 27th, 2012

nintendoLife Interview

NintendoLife’s “handsomest man in gaming” Jon Wahlgren just interviewed us about Little Inferno, existential crisis, Nintendo’s hands, and the future. Full interview is here.

Who are you, Tomorrow?

Friday, July 20th, 2012

Above: Tomorrow Corporation. “Who am I?” “Where am I?” “What year is this?”

Ever since our new game Little Inferno was announced last week, the response and questions and support have ignited a fire in our tummies and freshly energized us to finish this up! Interestingly though, we’ve noticed there is some confusion regarding who, exactly, is building Little Inferno. Is it 2DBOY, developers of World of Goo? EA? The San Francisco Fire Department? Tomorrow Corporation would like to state that it is, in fact, a brand new indie game developer, consisting of some of the same people, but not owned by or converted from any other company.

The indie game scene is light and liquid like the movie industry, and new groups of friends come together to work on new single projects all the time. Tomorrow Corporation PR representatives would like to take this opportunity to directly address some very common misunderstandings!

PR RepresentativeIs Little Inferno 2DBOY’s next game?
Nope, but Kyle Gabler of World of Goo / 2DBOY is now also working with Tomorrow Corporation. Indie game kids frequently work with multiple people.

Did 2DBOY rename itself to Tomorrow Corporation?
No. Although, confusion is understandable: Kyle Gabler is a co-founder of both 2DBOY and also Tomorrow Corporation. Allan Blomquist, another co-founder of Tomorrow Corporation, helped 2DBOY bring World of Goo to Wii back in 2008. And Kyle Gray, the remaining co-founder of Tomorrow Corporation, is longtime friends with everyone at 2DBOY.

Does 2DBOY still exist?
Yes indeed! Ron Carmel and Kyle Gabler still run 2DBOY and have not ruled out a follow up, one day, to World of Goo. Ron and Kyle are now neighbors.

Is EA making Little Inferno?
Nope, although all three members have, at some point, also worked with EA. Tomorrow Corporation PR would also like to point out that EA would never make a game like Little Inferno because it “is not likely to ever actually make any money”.

Didn’t all the Henry Hatsworth guys go make a company called Dreamrift?
Kyle Gray led the Hatsworth team at EA.  After they finished, all 7 team members went their separate ways: Ryan and Peter started Dreamrift, while Kyle Gray left for Tomorrow Corporation.

Why does Little Inferno look like World of Goo? Is Little Inferno basically just World of Goo with flaming balls?
Little Inferno is, in fact, an entirely different game from World of Goo! Although Kyle Gabler’s art style has never progressed past the 4th grade level. “I can draw a kitty!”

Who exactly IS Tomorrow Corporation, then?
Tomorrow Corporation is made of two Kyles and an Allan, who all met in grad school at Carnegie Mellon. You can find handy bios and photos here!

Wait wait, can you represent all of the above questions in Venn Diagram?

Handy Indie Venn Diagram

Ok we hope that helps explain things a bit. Indie game kids sure are unwieldy!

Kyle, Kyle, and Allan


Building Little Inferno

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

Little Inferno info illuminating soon

For what seems like a very long time, we (the two Kyles and Allan) have been locked away working on a strange new game. We’re starting to see flickers of life, and they are getting brighter. So we thought this might be a good time to start sharing.

We just overhauled and updated this site to become our work-in-progress dev ‘log from here on out, to track the progress of our new game Little Inferno, leading up to a release by this winter on multiple platforms.

Little Inferno Diskette

We’ve been quiet about this game so far to avoid being another lost adorable indie game that never materializes – but now we’re almost done! And we’ll post some first bits of real info on Little Inferno in a few days. So keep an eye on this space if you’re curious to track/participate in the development of Little Inferno, with RSS or something. Does anyone use RSS anymore? Ham radio? Or is it social face places now? Can my Netscape Navigator do that?

Important survey question: What would you most like to set on fire?