We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Archive for the ‘Little Inferno’ Category

Talkin’ About Little Inferno

Thursday, July 17th, 2014

Title Screen

I gave a talk about the things we learned while making Little Inferno at GDC this year,but completely forgot to post it here. There were some difficulties with sound during the presentation, so I ended up singing half of the lyrics of the jingle on stage. With no back up audio. In front of 600 or so people.

Despite the technical difficulties, the talk went pretty well! If you’re interested in learning about the story behind Little Inferno, it’s worth a gander. Just please ignore my bad singing.

Something Else is Burning

In other news, we’ve been quietly prototyping a few different game ideas for a little while now. Nothing new to report just yet, but it has been nice to go back to our roots. Strange to think we wrote that paper almost 9 years ago!




Little Inferno for Android NOW AVAILABLE! [UPDATED]

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

Little Inferno for Android

Toasty robots, type in your unlock codes! Swype across your parallaxing desktop! And ask Google’s permission to begin downloading your brand new Little Inferno for Android! It’s rolling out right now, worldwide at a launch discount of $2.99 (normally $4.99).

All reasonably recent devices should be able to handle the game just fine –  requiring Android OS 4.1 (JellyBean) or higher, 1GB RAM or higher, and 1GHz processor speed or higher. Any older device that is not compatible will be immediately incinerated.

Load Your DisketteThanks for your patience, everyone, while we put this together. And thanks to the folks at Apportable for making this happen. Let us know below how it works for you, and we’ll try and be quick about updates!



An update has just launched, version 1.2, on Google Play and Humble Store. Update on Amazon coming shortly after some more QA.

  • There should be better performance overall.
  • Less battery usage.
  • Rounded icon corners! (A highly requested feature.)

For those who have encountered a crash when using the My Pictures item to load photos, our Android experts think this can be solved one of two ways:

1) Instead of choosing a picture from your gallery or pictures, hit your Android back-button. We will choose a stock photo for you and you’ll be able to move on to the next catalog!

2) For some players, we believe that this problem is caused by a setting on some Android devices that shuts down the background activity to save memory. This may be a device setting that you can change if you can access Settings->Developer Options; it’s called “Don’t Keep Activities”. If not though, you can always get around it by pressing your back-button.

For those who are seeing this crash, does this help?

Note: The Android folks are still looking into NVidia Shield and TegraNote devices. If you’re still encountering any issues, the quickest way to get tech support is to contact our Android folks at Apportable by emailing here: androidsupport at tomorrowcorporation.com


Little Inferno for Android Coming Soon

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

Little Inferno for Android

BREAKING REPORT FOR LITTLE GREEN ROBOTS! The Android version of Little Inferno will begin rolling out very soon! More info to come once we know an exact date.

For those newly manufactured robots who might not yet be familiar with Little Inferno, you can fill your data banks with more information about the game here.

Just like the Wii U, PC, and iOS versions, the Android version will also ship in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Italian. Thanks again to our volunteer translators!



Little Inferno for Linux

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Little Inferno For Linux Computers

Open your blinking green terminals, prepare your admin config files, and pipe your standard shell input towards your internet sockets to begin a download of the brand new Linux version of Little Inferno!

You can get it directly from here. If you previously bought the Windows or Mac version from this site, you should now automatically (and freely) have access to the Linux version as well. To get it, just follow the same download link you used to download your Windows or Mac version. If need to retrieve your download link, you can do so here.

We’ll also be making the Linux version available on Steam as soon as we can, where it will also be freely available to anyone who already has the Windows or Mac versions. Thanks for your patience while we pulled this together, and we’re excited to hear your feedback!


Little Inferno Now Available for Mac

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Little Inferno On Apple Computers

Little Inferno is now available for Mac! You can get it directly from us, on Steam, and on GamersGate. If you previously bought the Windows version from either site, you should now automatically (and freely) have access to the the Mac version as well. Thank you to all our beta testers who helped pull this together!

Other updates: Linux version is almost ready for testing, and we’re also working on an iOS update that will work on the older iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4.