We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Archive for the ‘Little Inferno’ Category

Little Inferno iPhone releasing TONIGHT

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

Little Inferno iPhone

BREAKING REPORT! Tomorrow Corporation has just learned that Little Inferno for iPhone will be available beginning TONIGHT, Thursday, March 28 for Easter Weekend – and will be on sale for $0.99 (and equivalents) all weekend to celebrate.  It will joyfully melt screens of iPhone 4s and up and iPod Touch 5 and up. Up up up. (Note that due to heavy graphics requirements and a fire burning at 100 billion degrees, this version will not work on the older iPhone 4 or lower.)

Once the iPhone version is released, the iPad version will automatically convert to a Universal version called “Little Inferno HD”, so you can use your existing iPad version on your iPhone or iPod Touch as well, with no additional purchase needed. Both the iPhone and Universal versions will also introduce iCloud support so you can easily play across multiple devices.

As with the Wii U, PC, and iPad versions, the iPhone version will also ship in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, and Brazilian Portuguese. Italian will also be coming soon for all platforms. Thanks again to our volunteer translators! And as always, just like the other versions of the game, Little Inferno on iPhone is still 100% free of in-app purchases, ads, spam, etc. You’ll get Just The Game and nothing else!

If you happen to be at GDC this year, stop by the IGF Pavillion and see us and all the other IGF Finalists!

Little Inferno IGF Nominations

Mac BETA is ready for you!

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

Boot up your Apple Macintoshes, get your colorful beach balls spinning, and click the single mouse button to get the Mac BETA of Little Inferno! Here’s how you can access it:

  1. This beta is open to those players who already own a copy of Little Inferno. On your 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or later Mac computer, open Steam. (You’ll need Steam to access this beta. If you have not yet activated your Steam version and you bought the game from this website, you can get your free Steam redeem code from the Humble Store.)
  2. In your game library, right click on Little Inferno and pick Properties.
  3. Along the top of the dialog that comes up, click on the BETAS tab.
  4. In the drop down, pick the beta called “Beta – mac beta test”.
  5. In the password box that appears below the drop down, enter the password “openthegates” (without the quotes) and then click the Check Password button.
  6. Beta HugsA message should appear under the password box saying that you successfully opted into the beta.  Click the close button in the lower right to close the properties dialog.
  7. Play with the beta and try to break it! Email us with any bugs / comments / suggestions! (Contact at TomorrowCorporation.com)

Thanks as always for your brave help, support, and patience while we’ve been putting this together. And if any Linux folks are reading, the Linux beta is coming soon too!

This Weekend Only…

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Weather ManBREAKING WEATHER REPORT! It’s March, the wind is turbulent, and the air is crisp in many parts of the globe… THIS WEEKEND ONLY, stay warm in there… Little Inferno is on sale across almost all it’s fuel line channels: including right here at Tomorrow Corporation, on Steam, on the Wii U eShop, and for iPads on the App Store.


Interviews and Analysis Reading Time

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

Two new interviews just popped up today about making-of Little Inferno, motivations behind it, and ponies:

  • Reticule Fireside Chat with Chris Evans – “When we first launched Little Inferno, we weren’t quite sure what to expect. We knew there’d be a few baffled “Iz ths even a GAAME?” reactions, but we were completely unprepared for all of the personal, touching emails it triggered.
  • Gamasutra Road to IGF – “We’d been noticing a trend of games that were like slightly interactive screensavers. Like a virtual aquarium. Or a virtual garden. And they seemed so obviously terrible, we thought it would have been brilliant if the developers had hidden a terrifying plot and genuinely great game just below the surface. And maybe only a few players would ever discover it.

And a really thoughtful analysis piece from Wired – the article’s title “Little Inferno Mocks the Players Who Love it Most” is striking and maybe a little misleading. But the content of the article is much more specific, and goes on to clarify, that there’s “a message that made me realize that Little Inferno isn’t a cynical, mean-spirited hate letter to the games industry, but something far more thoughtful and valuable.” Full article here.


Little Inferno Tossed into the iPad App Store

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Little Inferno #4 on iPad App Store

We tossed Little Inferno into the iPad App Store fire yesterday, hoped for the best, and subsequently watched with potpourri in our eyes as it crawled its way up to #4 in the charts as of this writing. Thanks to everyone who wrote thoughtful reviews so far, both in the app store, and especially those whose quotes we totally clipped out and stuck all over our screenshots – see all five below!

To create this version of Little Inferno for iOS, we worked with the talented Gil Carmel (and Ron’s brother), who was the same fellow responsible for the iOS version of World of Goo.

Snuggling up with Miss Nancy: We’ve seen a few articles so far describing Little Inferno as a damning criticism of social/casual games. But to be clear – although Little Inferno has a lot of fun flamboyantly using social/casual game mechanics, the game is not mean to be a mean spirited attack on other games. In fact, a couple of us here at Tomorrow Corporation actually enjoy games like Tiny Tower, and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! (seriously, try it). So, while the satire aspect of Little Inferno is undeniably there, I’d call it more of a friendly ribbing – and certainly not the reason for the game to exist – really just a lowly tool in service of a simpler, hopefully more heart-warming, less game-specific overall message. Hope that helps! Do you have more questions for Miss Nancy? Ask below in the comments!

Here are the five App Store screenshots – click for full resolution versions:




