BREAKING WEATHER REPORT! Tomorrow Corporation has just learned that Little Inferno for iPad will be available beginning this Thursday, January 31. It will joyfully melt screens of all iPad versions from iPad2 and up. Up up up.
We’ve also been informed that Fire Safety Spokesperson and cartoon dog named Sparky is calling for Little Inferno to be removed from the eShop. Video games these days can be dangerous! But weirdly, when I think of Little Inferno and the ideas it tries to ignite, setting things on fire is never the first thing to pop into my head. (Warning spoilers!) Also kitties.
UPDATE 1: As with the Wii U and PC versions, the iPad version will also ship in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and German. Updates for Brazilian Portuguese and Italian will be coming soon for all platforms. Thanks again to our volunteer translators!
UPDATE 2: There will be GameCenter achievements available for those that choose to connect to GameCenter.
UPDATE 3: Just like the other versions of the game, Little Inferno on iPad is still 100% free of in app purchases, ads, spam, etc. You’ll get Just The Game and nothing else!