We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Archive for the ‘Little Inferno’ Category

Little Inferno iPad Releasing This Week

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Little Inferno iPad Release Date Friends

BREAKING WEATHER REPORT! Tomorrow Corporation has just learned that Little Inferno for iPad will be available beginning this Thursday, January 31. It will joyfully melt screens of all iPad versions from iPad2 and up. Up up up.

We’ve also been informed that Fire Safety Spokesperson and cartoon dog named Sparky is calling for Little Inferno to be removed from the eShop. Video games these days can be dangerous! But weirdly, when I think of Little Inferno and the ideas it tries to ignite, setting things on fire is never the first thing to pop into my head. (Warning spoilers!) Also kitties.

UPDATE 1: As with the Wii U and PC versions, the iPad version will also ship in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, and German. Updates for Brazilian Portuguese and Italian will be coming soon for all platforms. Thanks again to our volunteer translators!

UPDATE 2: There will be GameCenter achievements available for those that choose to connect to GameCenter.

UPDATE 3: Just like the other versions of the game, Little Inferno on iPad is still 100% free of in app purchases, ads, spam, etc. You’ll get Just The Game and nothing else!

Inferno Pad Little Inferno for iPad

Little Inferno Smouldering on iPad

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Inferno Pad Little Inferno for iPad

Good news for cold fingers! The toasty little fire that started on Wii U and PC is flickering to life on iPad – and ready very soon.  Actual date forthcoming once we know for sure.

Meanwhile, Mac and Linux versions are also coming together nicely, in parallel. Thank you to everyone who has requested to be part of the beta. While we haven’t been able to respond to everyone, our unpaid interns have taken note of the emails and will follow up when we’re ready to launch a beta – and we have more than enough, so no more volunteering necessary!


IGF Nominations for Little Inferno

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Little Inferno IGF Nominations

The IGF Finalists were posted last week – and I suppose we’ve been kindof speechless about it until now – Little Inferno was recognized in 5 of the 7 categories, with three nominations including the Grand Prize, and two honorable mentions. After expecting a big fat zero for an admittedly strange and controversial game, we’re kindof astonished. So thanks judges, and congrats to all the other nominees – looks like we’ll see you at GDC in March!

Up Up Up the Wii U eShop (to #2!)

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012

Up Up Up Nintendo Wii U eShop

A Christmas miracle! Against all expectations, Little Inferno, the weird-little-game-that-could, has been steadily moving up the American Wii U charts, up to slot #3 #2 as of today – just ahead of New Super Mario, amazingly. What’s up there anyway? We hope to find out…!

Nintendo Life has just posted some of our initial thoughts on Nintendo’s Wii U eShop, and you can read similar thoughts from other developers here. To summarize, though, indie developers have good things to say about the service, and (my favorite thing) the MiiVerse seems to be well loved. The new year should bring even more indie games, including Runner 2.

Miss Nancy Christmas MiiVerse

Toasty Warm by the Fire Waiting for the World to End with Discount Prices Winter Sale

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

Gentleman ExplorerNintendo notoriously never allowed price changes or sales on the original Wii, so we feel especially lucky to be included in the Wii U eShop’s first sale. Starting today, Little Inferno is 33% off (9.99USD and equivalents elsewhere) everywhere until January 4. We’ve also made sure the sale is available on our site, as well as on Steam.

PS. For those who are just discovering Little Inferno, you can find the soundtrack, for free, here. Stay warm in there!