It’s time! World of Goo 2 – the followup to the indie-hit classic World of Goo, is finally here – and ready for you to play RIGHT NOW!
Get it now on your Nintendo Switch, on the Epic Game Store, or direct from us at – DRM-free for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

UPDATE: We can now confirm Nintendo Switch will also get a physical boxed version, releasing in October! Thanks to our friends at Fireshine Games for bringing World of Goo 2 into the physical world. We’ll post more info as we get it. In the meantime, here is a sneak peak of the box, above.
Welcome, to World of Goo!
Use living liquid creatures to build bridges, grow towers, terraform terrain, and fuel flying machines.

Discover realistic flowing, splashing, viscous liquid. Route the flow of liquid like a river, convert it into Goo Balls, extinguish fires, and solve puzzles.

What Strange New Creatures! Jelly Goo, Liquid Launchers, Growing Goo, Shrinking Goo, Explosive Goo, and more. All with mysterious new properties.

Be careful! The world is beautiful, but it is dangerous. Guide as many Goo Balls into the exit pipe of each area as you can. …but what’s on the other end of the pipe?

A thrilling new story to explore, 5 new chapters, and over 60 new levels.

World of Goo 2 has dozens of new musical tracks in a beautiful and haunting new soundtrack.

Available in English, French, German, Latin American Spanish, Castilian Spanish, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Polish, and Russian.

Thanks again to all our fans for your support and encouragement. It was a long twisty road to bring World of Goo 2 from idea to release, and we couldn’t have done it without you!

Your Friends at Tomorrow Corporation and 2DBOY
Tags: 2DBoy, Nintendo Switch, Tomorrow Corporation, World of Goo 2
Congratulations guys! Happy to be back to this world!!
Can you guys release the game on steam ? because I was one of the 1.3% of people who played this game since childhood and got all the hard achievements on Steam.
World of Goo 2 would not exist if Epic had not helped us fund the game. We were able to hire artists and engineers for multiple years to help us build the biggest game we’ve ever made. We’re grateful for this! You’ve likely seen similar arrangements with other games, and I imagine ours is comparable.
If you don’t use Epic, that’s ok. You can also get the game direct from us at — DRM-free, for Win / Mac / Linux. And if you have a Nintendo Switch, you can get it on the eShop.
Will the game be available on Steam in the future though?
I doubt Kyle can say anything more about the particular arrangement than what he’s already hinted at, but going by what other games have done that’s seems very likely.
Hi there, i have a question for you. In Nintendo webside it says that there is no polish language for the switch version, but here in the news polish language appears. I already saw that PC version got it, but I wonder what about the switch?
> You can also get the game direct from us
I can’t. The humble thingy won’t accept my card or paypal payment with no helpful information at all:
Order Canceled
We were unable to verify payment details and we will not charge you.
Steam spoied Gish because of how popular it was. They corrected phisics and now its broken.
Local couch coop with controllers is a switch-exclusive feature?? Aaaaghhhh COME ON!
Can’t believe I’m actually playing this! The visuals are breathtaking and the soundtrack is as fascinating as ever. Can’t wait to see how this world of goo ends (or doesn’t?!?!). Not much else to say other than thanks for offering a DRM free release. Can’t wait to see what crazy community mods are eventually created. You guys think about the end user and that means a lot to us.
Will it be possible to purchase the game using Russian bank cards in the future? I am a big fan of this game and have drawn art for a video I want to create, but I am unable to obtain the game
This is the first we’ve heard of it! Are you running into this problem on our site, or Epic Games?
On Epic Games and on the site
The problem is solved! Thanks
Well, this problem exists since 2022, when Visa and MasterCard stopped working in Russia. But I doubt that you can do solve this problem: it is very unlikely that anyone from Tomorrow Corp. will work on accepting Russian bank cards (MIR). This can only be resolved on the merchant’s side (Humble store and their intermediary for accepting payments – Stripe).
At the moment, I really don’t see any direct or easy way to buy a game using a Russian bank card. The problem can be circumvented on the buyer side through intermediaries who have foreign Visa or MasterCard bank cards.
I’m just downloading World of Goo 2 after all those years. I cannot wait any hour more.
I’m absolutely loving this game but a lot of the puzzles jsut break because of objects getting stuck in other objects or just straight up falling through them
Makes a first time experience kind of frustrating honestly
Any chance that this will be fixed in some kind of update?
We are absolutely fixing any bugs that are discovered. Can you post a video or image(s) of what you are seeing?
I’d have to go back and record footage of the issues.
Where would you like me to upload them?
Upload footage anywhere you like and then please send us a link and description of bug to: contact at tomorrowcorporation dot com
Please please tell me there are plans to press this amazing soundtrack to vinyl. What I’ve heard so far has been incredible, to the point of making me emotional.
Nice, congrats for the release and thank you for your work! But I want to play it on my Apple Vision Pro. How do I reach the person in Chapter 4 who wants to have a conversation with me? (According to the FAQ)
I am voting with my wallet and I’ll wait till you (hopefully soon) decide to release it also on Steam.
I found the original easier to play on a touchscreen. Will there be an iOS edition for this one, or should I just buy the Switch edition and start swearing at my thumbs? 🙂
Purchased the game on Switch, and I absolutely love it. The art is fantastic, and the music is incredible so far.
Something I seem to experience though, is that the game gets some “errors” sometimes, forcing the software to close down. It always happens in the stages in Chapter 3, where the “cheese” Balls are involved. Sometimes, when I “terraform” the cheese platforms, immediately get an error. It doesn’t happen every time, but it happens enough to make the “Block Hoppers” very difficult to pass (I haven’t succeeded yet).
I don’t know if this info is useful for you in order to track down the problem, but I wanted to report it at least!
Keep up the good work, and thanks for delivering another masterpiece!
Thanks for the report, we will look into it and update!
Just wanted to give a small update: Today, I tried to replicate it, so I used the Cheese Balls over and over, but I didn’t get a single error. I tried it over a hundred times on the stages where they are used most prominently. Maybe my Switch was just tired yesterday or something, since everything works perfectly fine now.
Oh well, just wanted to report. I managed to progress further into the game, and I’m having a wonderful time!
I just want to say that I’ve never bought a game so quickly that I didn’t even bothered looking at the pricetag.
I’ve bought the 1st game too so I can apologize for my mother’s mistake of pirating the game over a decade ago.
Question. Does the game not releasing to Steam also have anything to do with selling copies without Steam’s DRM?
This game is fun, but why it doesn’t have sandbox mode unlike first World of Goo?
I first played World of Goo on my iPhone 2 when my son was too young to appreciate the physics behind it. As he got older, he smashed it several times. He’s 15 now and we’re both so happy to get back to it after so many years. Well done guys. It’s been a while but I’ve just ordered on Epic.
Dear Tomorrow Corporation,
I would like to say that this is one of, if not, the very best games I have ever played in my lifespan. From all the Super Mario games to, well, this game since it’s the newest, I have to say this lives up to all my quite high expectations and then some.
All the goo balls are here, the new viscous liquid shown in the trailer is a core part of the gameplay, the terraformer goo ball, the music is WONDERFUL & much, much more. These have kept me entertained all the way through. Especially the funny, goofy cutscenes and the “predictions” of future World of Goo sequels. It was worth every cent I have spent, even if I thought the price was absurd at first.
If there was a rating system here, I would give the game 9.5/10. -.5, not because of low quality (this game was the exact opposite of that) but because it is missing a fundamental feature. One the likes of which will probably be the first thing added by modding communities, since the game is DRM-free on PC;
This game, has no level editor or goo ball editor. I would’ve absolutely loved to create a custom level with the terraforming goo balls, but unfortunately it is impossible at this time.
Perhaps, if you have your own software, you could hand it out to other people?
My huge rant aside, thank you for taking your time and creating all these wonderful little levels. Some of them had really big difficulty spikes, but not much trouble.
Kind regards,
Passionate Internet Stranger
Hello Tomorrow Corporation,
I bought the game on Humble and when I go to download the game it tells me “XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it!” Any fixes!
Same problem. Link to download soundtrack works, but download link to game is broken. Guess I won’t be streaming it tonight. 🙁
Hey, looks like you caught is in the middle of an update! We submitted a bug fix and just waiting on that new build to propagate. It should be there within a few minutes if it’s not already…!
Thanks for the info.
I see the Windows version has just updated to today’s date. Link is still broken.
Same “This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.”
I think that’s what it shows while the new build is still propagating. We’re trying to cram it through…
Still broken.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
I don’t know if any of that is sensitive info or not, but I have literally no other way to get the problem we’re having in front of the eyes of someone that can help.
Can Tomorrow Corporation issue a refund so I can just buy it via Epic? Humble support won’t be responding to my ticket until late next week, at the earliest.
Or… I can give my transaction ID and someone can give people having problems a working link to download?
Maybe seeking a publisher would have been a better idea than going Epic exclusive, because this experience is not good.
hi, it looks like the windows download is still broken unfortunately!
We have a temporary download solution in place. Please try again and let us know if you can get the game!
Hey, looks like you caught is in the middle of an update! We submitted a bug fix and just waiting on that new build to propagate. It should be there within a few minutes if it’s not already…!
Hey, there! Just wanted to provide an update that this issue appears to be ongoing. I just purchased the game and when I click Download on my Humble Bundle page I am brought to a
error page.We have a temporary download solution in place. Please try again and let us know if you can get the game!
Hello Tomorrow Corporation,
Is there any update on the Humble windows download issue? I have been attempting to download the game for a few hours and I am still receiving the XML error.
Hello!Now I still have the same XML problem just mentioned,if it is solved would you send out a new announcement in case the players can know it as soon as possible?love you and your games:)
We have a temporary download solution in place. Please try again and let us know if you can get the game!
I’m experiencing the same issue. It’s persisted for the last few hours, except for two short periods where the Windows option disappeared entirely. The error code is “NoSuchKey”, if that helps sort it out.
hey there, we’re still waiting for humble to fix this issue, but in the meantime we found a hacky workaround… it’s not pretty, but it should work. try your download link again and let us know how it goes.
It works and it’s wonderful so far. Thanks on both counts!
I wanted to give thanks for making World of Goo 2, I don’t think I ever would have expected a sequel to truly come out but I’ve been eagerly anticipating it since its announce last year! Although I’ve had much fun sticking to mods, I was excited to play through the game and discover all of the cool new official content! Thank you for taking the time to make such an awesome sequel for an amazing game!
Not to detract from the above but I have two options I wanted to request.
1. An option to disable screen scrolling by dragging. I’m more used to scrolling by putting my cursor near the level’s edges, and more than once I accidentally dragged the screen when I meant to pick up a goo ball.
2. An option to disable the moving cameras like in chapter 3, as a friend of mine got motion sickness from them.
That’s all, thank you all at 2D Boy and Tomorrow Corp!
+1 for these requests. First issue is a little annoying. And the seconds one is about accessibility.
I will be patiently waiting for this game to be released on Steam.
I wonder how long it will take. Months? Years? Decades?!? Who knows.
But I will wait until the very end to buy it there.
Any word on when the DRM free download will be working? I just paid for it on Humble Bundle and it seems a lot of people are having trouble with specifically the Windows download.
hey there, we’re still waiting for humble to fix this issue, but in the meantime we found a hacky workaround… it’s not pretty, but it should work. try your download link again and let us know how it goes.
The workaround is downloading! thanks so much, can’t wait
Hello,I am a fan of you from China.This morning I received the email and bought the game on humble(through your website),but soon I found that something is wrong with the downloading of the game itself(while the OST can be downloaded successfully).It is a long time waiting for me since it’s night where the tomorrow corporation located while it is daytime in my country.Can’t wait to play your game!If the problem is fixed,I will download your game and start playing it as soon as possible TAT
We have a temporary download solution in place. Please try again and let us know if you can get the game!
Oh!Just after I write what before this ↑ I find a new version is available.
But it seems that the same problem still exist…
Can we help translate the game into more languages?
How long until your exclusivity deal with epic expires so I can get the game on Steam?
I think this game deserves a spot in my steam library and not just rot away in the giant laggy pile of free games in the epic library.
Thank you very much for this wonderful game! I bought the game through the Humble store and was pleasantly surprised (I haven’t interacted with Humble before).
There is a little technical issue, but this is probably just my specific problem: game won’t start on Nvidia GPU (it throws GLX errors), but runs nice on AMD Radeon integrated GPU, while many other games and applications are able to run on Nvidia flawlessly. I fully understand that this is most likely due to specific details of my software and hardware configuration / combination, so I’m not complaining about anything, just notifying.
I also noticed some minor graphical artifacts in the “golf” levels, not sure why this happened.
Hey, can i play with a controller or a joystick or anything of the sort on PC?
Finished the game late last night. While there’s no such thing as a perfect sequel, this game still managed to smash my already high expectations and one-upped the original in basically every way possible. I’ve been waiting for what feels like as long as I can remember for this, and I’m so happy to say it was without a doubt worth it. Thank you Tomorrow Corporation and 2D Boy! This is a special one, to say the least.
Thank you! 🙂
Just finished the game and oh my GOOdness it’s awesome… I don’t even know what to say… Mayhaps I should say that there are some bugs like being able to make infinite “goo liquid” with the shooting things (I don’t know how to call them) and some problems with controls. I hope some fixes will arrive later on and I’ll be able to actually do any OCDs on normal levels. But who even cares about that when the game has awesome puzzles, humor and every new soundtrack makes you immediately recognize the motif from an old one. Absolutely magnificent, fabulous, amazing, GOOd!!!
(repost with hopefully working whitespace)
I’m having trouble running the game on a generic Fedora Linux 40:
$ chmod +x World_of_Goo_2-x86_64.12329.171.AppImage
$ ./World_of_Goo_2-x86_64.12329.171.AppImage
./World_of_Goo_2-x86_64.12329.171.AppImage: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The packaged version of Libcurl by default uses OpenSSL, not GnuTLS. I’d prefer to avoid compiling it on my own to run this game – especially because this might be just the first problem of many.
Any tips or solutions?
Thanks for the report! Our Linux engineer is looking into this.
Hey, try to find libcurl-gnutls4 package (or something similar by name) in alternative/community repositories. It worked for me!
Perhaps a bit late, but I had this problem and resolved it by installing libcurl-gnutls (I’m using Manjaro, so that was from the Manjaro repos). Doesn’t seem to interfere with existing curl. Game’s run fine since.
Glad you figured it out! We will have an update coming out shortly what will fix this as well.
I’m also getting this error on the Steam Deck, and it’s not so easy to install those missing libraries on it.
On my desktop with Manjaro, it worked out of the box.
We have released a new update which should fix the lib issues that some people encountered. However we do not have a steamdeck to test on. Please download the linux version again and let us know how it works for you!
Humble purchase Windows download link still broken.
I’ve been a huge fan of all things Kyle Gabler, 2D Boy, and Tomorrow Corporation for as long as I can remember. I’ve been so excited to finally buy and play this game since it was announced.
And here I am… day after paying for the game and soundtrack and can’t play it.
Humble’s support system says they’re off on weekends and they’re +3 business days behind on responding to tickets.
There’s not any official way to get support from the developers.
What can we do?
Feeling pretty let down by all this.
We have a temporary download solution in place. Please try again and let us know if you can get the game!
It works! Thank you!
The AppImage doesn’t work on fedora it looks like you haven’t bundled any dependencies, it fails with:
./World_of_Goo_2-x86_64.12329.171.AppImage: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
It only contains the “WorldOfGoo2” binary, the game assets in a folder called “game”. It should also contain a directory tree `usr` that containing the dependencies else there’s no reason to use AppImage.
Looking forward to playing 🙂
Thanks for the report! Our Linux engineer is looking into this.
Thanks, just wanted to report the same thing on my machine. Running Fedora Linux 40.20240731.0 (Silverblue).
Good to know this is being looked at, looking forward to play the game!
I faced the same problem (libcurl-gnutls) as other GNU/Linux guys right there. I’m not on Fedora, but my distro is RPM-based too. My solution was to find and install this package (libcurl-gnutls4) from alternative (community) repository. You may do so too (at least try to). Good luck to all GNU/Linux peepz!
Just have to add curl to your distro. Seems like they added it for crash handling, causing this dependency issue. The steam deck nerds figured it out.
I put together a simple flatpak manifest that works around the missing library with a symlink:
An easy solution would be adding the resulting flatpak bundle available alongside the AppImage on Humble.
Neat! We have released a new update which should fix the lib issues that some people encountered. Please download the linux version again and let us know how it works for you!
This game was an absolute masterpiece, I couldn’t put it down and played through it all in one day. Going back now and trying to complete the OCD challenges, and many of them feel nigh impossible, especially on Nintendo Switch. I hope some adjustments can be made as they genuinely dont feel fair.
Summary on some of problems with GNU/Linux build of the game:
> X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
> Major opcode of failed request: 151 (GLX)
Try to use another GPU (like integrated AMD Radeon or Intel HD). Set GLX vendor and DRI_PRIME env variables if needed (it may vary for your combination of software and hardware).
There is example for my case:
__GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=radeon ./WorldOfGoo2
> error while loading shared libraries:
Try to find and install libcurl-gnutls4 package for your distro in any repos (PPA for Ubuntu, AUR for Arch, OBS for openSUSE and other alternative/community repos), you may use repology and pkgs·org to find exact package for your distro. It worked for me to just install this package to my system.
Got it straight from the website for PC, will probably buy phys for Switch too. One of my favorite games ever returned for another go. So so so happy!!!
Will there be a Mobile Version as well?
please add support for controllers on pc
There was bunch of content removed, will be this added as bonus chapter with no/minimal story?
Epilogue shows separate worlds, made by player.
That is we could make levels and goo balls like in first game.
For example mess a lot more with cheese terrain or grow balls or jelly/liquid physics by liquidating big jellies, pouring them somewhere and turning them into more goo balls
Hello, I wonder if this game will be available on mobile terminals like android or iOS? If so , When will it be? ^_^
Please implement goofans functionality into this game, so that you can create new levels and campaigns directly in the game, using the in-game editor, and publish all this for other players.
Loving the game, and soundtrack (Chapter 3’s world music is a bop!) And thank you for having a drm free option and for the native Linux version!
Aside from the above libcurl-gnutils issue mentioned above, could you ask your Linux engineer to dynamically link SDL so it may be replaced/updated at the user’s discretion. Mainly to work-around future compatibility issues.
Thanks for the Game. The Download over HumbleBundle for Linux works like charm. The Windows Download is a Temp Link and doen’t work for me in three Browsers. Even the switch to Torrent doesn’t change anything.
I hope the issues with the downloads for Windows can be fixed soon.
Humble says they have a fix that should be our soon (possibly already?). Please do keep trying!
Thank you!
Now all Downloadlinks are working for me.
I go back playing.
Would it be possible to add mod support so you don’t need to extract the entirety of to mod the game?
For example: In most source engine games you can put files in a folder called “custom” and the game will load files from there over the files in the .vpk files. (like this:)
Portal/hl2.exe (the game exe file)
Portal/portal/portal_pak_00[0-5].vpk+portal_pak_dir.vpk (contains game resources, including “materials/models/weapons/v_models/v_portalgun/v_portalgun.vtf”, the texture for the first-person view model of the portal gun)
Portal/portal/custom/custom_portalgun(folder name does not matter, this is just to make it easier to manage several mods at the same time)/materials/models/weapons/v_models/v_portalgun/v_portalgun.vtf (gets loaded by the game instead of the file from the .vpk files)
(I’ve omitted a few details (such as hl2, bin and other folders and files, and maps being stored outside the .vpk files by default))
For World of Goo 2 it could look something like this:
World of Goo 2/World of Goo 2.exe
World of Goo 2/game/
World of Goo 2/mods/harder level pack/res/levels/A_Island1_Map.wog2
World of Goo 2/mods/harder level pack/res/levels/C01_A_Goo_Filled_Hill.wog2
World of Goo 2/mods/harder level pack/res/levels/C01_A_Familiar_Divide.wog2
World of Goo 2/mods/harder level pack/res/levels/C01_Custom_Level.wog2
World of Goo 2/mods/custom
World of Goo 2/mods/custom
Hey there!
I just finished the game today and I really enjoyed it! I loved it, especially the soundtrack. I have to ask though, will you guys be supporting the game after launch with updates? The lack of a whistle was a tad annoying in levels with a lot of goo balls or big wobbly structures. Oh, and what happened to those levels that were in the first trailer? The background on the one was beautiful and I was sad it wasn’t in the game.
All in all, I loved the game and had a great time with it, nice work!
Very happy to see this game after long time, but we need also touchscreen controls on windows version!
Bought and am loving the game! Is there any word on potentially making the game easier to get running on Steam Deck (i.e. bundling with the required dependencies)? I’d love to play it on the go with the Deck’s touchscreen
I could not be happier. I spent many years wondering and hoping we’d get to see a sequel to this beautiful, ridiculous world. Thank you Tomorrow Corp. and 2D Boy for making my dream a reality
Hello, what’s the status of the Linux AppImage issue?
We have released a new update which should fix the lib issues that some people encountered. Please download the linux version again and let us know how it works for you!
Will the game be on Steam?
I purchased the World of Goo 2 + Soundtrack humble package off the website, but the only thing added to my account was the soundtrack. Humble support also estimates a week before my ticket is looked at.
Hi Alex, apologies, this comment got lost in moderation. Were you able to finally download the game. Humble briefly had an error making the download links available, but it should be fixed now. Just let us know!
(I wrote a comment here several days ago that appears to have gotten stuck in moderation, so here’s a version that I’ve rewritten in a way that I hope it can get approved)
Would it be possible to implement support for overriding game resources without extracting (i.e. mod support)
something similar to this maybe:
World of Goo 2/World of Goo 2.exe
World of Goo 2/game/
World of Goo 2/mods/mod_name_here/res/levels/C01_A_Goo_Filled_Hill.wog2 (gets loaded instead of the one from
World of Goo 2/mods/mod_name_here/res/levels/C01_A_Familiar_Divide.wog2
World of Goo 2/mods/mod_name_here/res/levels/C01_Custom_Level.wog2 (gets loaded if something asks for res/levels/C01_Custom_Level.wog2)
World of Goo 2/mods/ (packing mods into a file could be helpful for distributing finished mods and could reduce filesystem overhead and disk seeking while playing)
World of Goo 2/mods/
Thank you for the fantastic game, brings back so many fond memories!
Just got the game from your website and can’t wait to try it.
Big up guys. I imagine this is tons of work for a smaller team. So it makes your stuff even more amazing.
Much love <3
First for all, huge congratulation! Great job! World of Goo 2 is a fantastic game.
Are you still developning Welcome to the Information Superhighway ? If yes, when we can expect any news/screen/gameplay etc. ? It has been aprox. 5 years since announcing the new game.
Thank you very much for this sequel. It was awesome to be apart of it. I loved working with you guys as a translator. I wish you the best (vacatons) in the world, even though i know they might come to an end. I can’t express how wonderful my days are since i know my favorite game ever have a sequel, even through all the things life reserved to me. Thank you, sincerly.