In addition to wrapping up 7 Billion Humans, we’ve also been quietly working on another new game – currently going by the title “Welcome to the Information Superhighway“. (We last visited that highway a long time ago, in a very different game!)
This is shaping up to be one of the more game-like games we’ve made. We’ve got a long way to go on a long crooked road, but thought we’d update here as we discover more about it.
What is this internet highway all the kids are faxing about these days? Can I go on an incredible road trip and make lots of broken new friends along the way? Isn’t Tomorrow Corporation made of three grumpy old people who don’t know how to use social media? Yes!
Here’s some concept art for you to send to your dot matrix printer.
Want to be notified about our new games? We send fewer than one message per year, and only of the highest quality!

Looks really cool! I’ve been in love with all of your games and can’t wait to see your foray into a more “game-like game”. <3
Thanks guys, hope to see you there!
Cool looking game! I wish we could hear more on it, though. It’s been over a year with only this teaser. But still, good luck with it!
Also, the person in the top picture has the most normal hands I’ve really ever seen in your games, lol. Again, good luck!
когда выход дайте мне ключик от игры
Wait… what happened to this? i have been looking it up and there is nothing on the internet about this… its been three years too. im very confuse d
Their general workflow is to announce the game then disappear for the majority of development, then come back years later when the game is a lot closer to being finished and wrap up things like translations and beta testing. From what I can tell most of it is either announcements near the very end of development and the announcement of development. Yes, it is frustrating, but games can take a very long time to make, and with COVID-19 it was probably delayed some and they are only a three-person team. Although it would be nice to know if this is still in development because there are a lot of other games that are announced and never come to fruition.
They also said it still currently in development. I’d thing (hope) that they would update us if it fell through.
I cant wait, I feel like all their games are deeper than we think they are
Are Route 99 and Mighty Blimp available in Nintendo Switch? I have tried to get the last Easter Egg on World of Goo but failed. Please reply thanks
They completely got rid of Route 99 on all platforms, unfortunately.
it has been over 2 years now. Are you going to make this game still? I need to know because I want to play it
Joker Poker
bruh games take a long time to develop. chill.
Theres been a 3 year timeframe betwen each game. So the next game may come out this year (2021)
That would be incredible
That’s unlikely due to the COVID Pandemic. But it’s still possible.
Hello! I really like your games! Very often I burn time in Little inferno. How big will the new project be? And yes, as a real old (who is only 14 years old) I want to ask: will there be a reference to World of Goo in the new game?
I would like to see a World of Goo reference, because there arent any in any of their other games. Maybe MOM could resurface? After all she was in THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY in chapter 4.
H Y P E,i can’t wait for the release of thi awesome game!!!,i’m a big fan of all your games,congratulations for all your work guys 😀
a NEW GAME?????????? yessssssssssszsss
Looks awesome! I can’t wait to go on the road trip through the Information Superhighway!
This looks amazing! I’ve been waiting for ages to see something World of Goo related and it’s finally here; I feel like I’m dreaming! Just one quick question: will it take place before or after the events of World of Goo?v
The name is similar to the 4th chapter of WOG, but the two games are unrelated. We hope to share more about the development process with this one as well.
Then why does it say. ” (We last visited that highway a long time ago, in a very different game!)” in the description?
They confirm it’s in chapter 4 of WOG in the interview Kyle did with Epic Games
Yes. Somebody finally noticed. I play world of goo and am on goofans. I am Deseptor.
These are BEAUTIFUL! Can’t wait to see more!
[…] Fuente, Vía […]
I’ve been a great fan since World of Goo in WiiWare, I’ve bought it three times for now! Can’t wait for this and 7 Billion Humans, THE HYPE. I LUV U
(((also a collection of all five games with physical release would be my most loved treasure)))
(for the soundtracks too)
there soundtracks are so amazing
I just realized that the colors of the posters, magenta, yellow, and cyan are printer ink colors. Very clever!
Pronts in Black and Wite
So many new projects out of nowhere, it makes my head spin %)
But hey, I’m not complaining. Every game you make is a gem so complaining about having more of them would be a crime.
You guys have always been in my top3 favorite dev list and I am so pumped anytime I see something coming out. The art looks great and just the style I have come to love. Looking forward to it!
Looks great, the splash art looks awesome. waiting it to release 😀
I love your jobs ,your art style and your perfectly ideas ^^ ,you’ll have a great future ,Luck luck luck!!!
MOM ,are you here?
(I love you games ,they are a really genius creativitily!!! Luck ,luck, luck!!! <3 greetings for all us ^^)
The posters look amazing! Can’t wait!
Anything from Tomorrow Corporation puts a grin on my face! Can’t wait to see what comes up next!
It’s going to change everything.
HYPED! I love all of your games, and i can’t wait!
Realized I said almost the exact same as you and didn’t even see your comment until now, haha.
DARXOON??? The same one on goofans like me??? If so, I think I download ed one of your levels. I am Deseptor on goofans.
Thank you for all what you ve done. From world of goo to 7 bil humans. Its filled with soo unique atmosphere i just cant remember other games like yours! Wish you good luck and NO creative crizis at all!
I already like this, but i bet itll be ready in may 2019.maybe the 12?Hhmmm?
wait its 2021 rn .. im just now finding this
it is 2022 and im still waiting, i cant wait for it to come outt
2022 and I’m waiting too, just hoping for some news
I’m in love with this company. Just like with SuperGiant Games, I’ve bought all your titles so far because I love the message you’re trying to put out. I’m glad to hear you’re working on a “game-like” game now, should be interesting and I’m looking forward to it!
YES!!! Im so happy! Im your big fan since i played world of goo! Can’t wait to see more of your new game. Hope it will be similliar to WoG and Little Inferno
Sweeeeeet! Love all your games! I can’t wait.
Oh yes my guys! I’m ready!
You guys are awesome! i played all your games and i can not wait for this one.
you are my favorite developers. love your design. is really unique.
I love your games, Little Inferno is in my heart, i love it
I can’t wait for another game from Tomorrow Corporation 😉
You guys are awesome
I hope you include 7bh’s boss man’s calendars.
If not, please do it 😉
Is that…SugarPlums!?!?!?
love your team! i been followed you guys from WOG! hope more game cameout to show up! Keep going!
Just make sure that there is a song “You will be evaluated – eventually” (or something).
I love the other two – i think these are the best to play on quiet nights and try to solve the puzzles 🙂
I’m love with your art, can’t wait to play this one. The posters look amazing!
Hi! I just replayed Little Inferno, it was so lovely. My favourite game forever. I LOVED Little Inferno and 7 Billion Humans. I would LOVE if you released Little Inferno 2! It’s fine if you don’t have enough time, and you won’t do it. I still love you all. Thanks for doing such an amazing games. “It’s Little Inferno just for meeee”. xoxo.
They just did!
-we’re gonna live forever
I really wanted to let you guys know that I LOVE your games. I played little inferno a lot of times and I think that human resource machine is the best puzzle game i ever played. I just bought 7 billion humans and i cant wait to play it 🙂
nae nae
nae nae day is upon us all run
These kind of dreams are worth building. I always felt relieved after I listen to your music after a hard day.
Hey Devs.
Thank you for the great games you’ve made.
It’s soooo much fun and brain-killing (sometimes). Please keep it up that way.
Love all your games.
Thanks a lot
I love your games Little Inferno and World of Goo. I can not wait for this new game 🙂
it make me think of the chapter 4 of world of goo
yep me too
i like oire gamese bate netx time mecete yardo
А вы будете делать world off goo 2?
Of course i wait! Can you do world of goo 2?
[…] buckle down and process what it’s asking of you. The developers’ next project promises to be a ‘road trip adventure’, and after two esoteric puzzlers we’ve got our fingers crossed that it’ll be a real treat for a […]
I am writing to you from the snow-covered Belarus, this is next to Russia.
My name is Ivan (Russian name lol)
I’ll start from the beginning. Once upon a time. (it was 2009) I just started learning computer games and everything connected with it. I was only 8 years old then. And on my computer was installed World of goo. And in the beginning I did not understand what to do in this strange game. I did not understand what kind of balls and where to put them. But I liked the music and the atmosphere, so I just turned on and looked at the beautiful picture (lol). But then my brother understood what to do and we started going through it, my God, how cool it was. It was great. We went through it completely. Today (I’m 17 already) I downloaded into your game again. And this is very cool. It’s as if I’ve been in the past, it’s almost a time machine. I did not even expect this. The game was a breeze. After that, I download more games (Little Inferno. Human RM) and it’s awesome, They are very atmospheric. Unbelievable. How do you manage such stunning games? I look forward to Informational SH, I hope you will not fail. I will also be happy if I receive an autograph photo from your team. If not difficult. Good luck to you all!
Human Resource Machine and 7 Billion Humans are my all time favorite games. Awesome concepts and execution. I would give up my left pinky finger to get a sandbox for them. Keep up the great work.
When you click on the Tomorrow Corporation website and see a new project with World of Goo reference.
Yes, please. Because I burnt everything else in the fireplace.
Hah! Ha!
It’s just tiring to the world of goo that came before this i meen like this is not out yet anyway is it just your going to rip off your own game or what
How about an update? But equally important, please make an expansion for 7bil humans. I don’t even care if it has dialogue or sound or shit, even graphics. I just need to stimulate my brain and your games have done that more than any other game I’ve played. Luv u.
So the game is not related to World of Goo, okay.
But if there won’t be a sneaky MOM easteregg my heart will wither :C Hearing from MOM is all I ask for.
I wonder how you play, like Human Resource Machine and 7 Billion Humans, like World of Goo, or (I least suspect) like Little inferno. Maybe it will be a new gameplay
Will this be related to world of goo in any way?
Keep up the amazing work, IS looks great.
But i was just wondering if you guys will ever find the time to go back and add some steam achievements to Little Inferno. I basically just need a reason to go replay it again. 🙂
hopefully development hasn’t been cancelled yet
Well, it has been over a year…
But then again, making games is hard.
Yo soy súper fan de esta empresa y cada día alucino más con cada cosa que hacen tengo muchísimas ganas de ver el nuevo juego y tiene muy muy muy buena pinta.
A mí también me ha gustado mucho porque la portada es súper chula y se ve muy muy bien y bueno pues por eso me ha gustado y tengo muchas ganas de probar el juego
Ogm i cant wait is this relationed whit little inferno i ended it a 5 minuts i play your games so much time i played world of goo (i never make a good tower 😉 ) and as i say LT i realy wanna play this gane i realy say LUCK in the depelovent i play the game in spanish thats why i write bad sorry now an goodbye but in my idiom “adios umm ñiki ñiki”
Perdón te di responde perdon
I hope it will be like the game world of goo, I’m just waiting for 2 part of the game
Yeah me too! The 4th world of world of goo is the same as the title of this game!
How to play this game?I’m excited about it.
Is it a programming game?
at least i totally agree that tomorrow corporation is as powerful as popcap games. the zombies can’t attack themselves.
sorry i just replied the wrong person
Hi George, I really liked the first version of Plants vs. Zombies that you guys put out. I hope this one is as nice. I didn’t like the fremium junk that came later, so I hope you aren’t fired again.
Uh, I think you’re in the wrong website
at least i totally agree that tomorrow corporation is as powerful as popcap games. the zombies can’t attack themselves
wow, it’s so big
That’s what she said
at least i totally agree that tomorrowcorporation is as powerful as popcap.
I hope this game has a cool soundtrack From Kyle Gabler, your soundtracks are just super-duper, they’re right for the soul. I hope this game will be the best soundtrack for me.
Just finished Human Resource Machine again …..been using it as an interview test for data science 😀 /
Can’t wait for your next game
That Yellow Poster Above Reminds Me Of Fallout3 and New Vegas”!”
Thank you so much I przh thought that the version on android will not work out good luck on the work of the game on android thanks again .
Correction. already thought
I’m really excited about this project, can’t wait for the release date
cant wait to see it! really love everything, that u guys are doing.
Any news? It’s 1.5yr after game was announced
When at least a new game picture or information comes out
That’s really awesome!! Can’t wait for it!!!
Long times ago…can’t wait to buy it!!!
Looking forward!
Ok boomer
Any updates?
Hay i didn’t know if any body is seeing this but I think all there games are connected I have played all of them and here is what I think:
Little inferno: the whole time you are playing the game the outside world is changing just like in that one cutscene of 7 billion humans where the tower is slowly breaking and at the end of the game the fat lady I forget her name but she leaves earth in a rocket just like a lot of people do to escape the bomb that isn’t there in 7 billion humans
Human resource machine: well it’s kind of obvious how this one is connected
7 billion humans: at the end of the game after the credits man bot is sitting at a computer making something big so I saw this on a steam discussion that someone said he is making the information super highway
World of goo yes I’m counting it: one of the chapters is literally called the information super highway
So here is what I think
Human resource machine takes place first when it all starts the robots take the jobs and so then 7billion humans happens and that cutscene I was talking about earlier while that happens little inferno takes place then the fat lady (still can’t remember her name) leaves on a rocket to a different planet (doesn’t the office building you go into to see her look familiar) which she does to escape a bomb (that wasn’t there by the way) then seven billion humans ends and the information super highway starts (but I haven’t played it yet so I don’t know when world of goo comes In but I’m pretty sure it does)
Any way that’s what I think feal free to ad stuff to this theory if you want I think I created it because I have been searching the internet for it for a while and haven’t seen any thing
I call it the….
I always thought that the World of Goo Corporation caused the events of Little Inferno. The smoke in the atmosphere from its destruction caused the ash snow and cold, which was amplified with the fireplace ash. There are World of Goo items in Little Inferno, so they are at least connected in that way.
In 7 Billion Humans, other than the Tomorrow Corporation mousepad in the post-credits scene, I don’t know any other connections. It’s also kind of hard to connect Little Inferno to Human Resource Machine and 7 Billion Humans. In Little Inferno, the man says that the world is getting colder, but it doesn’t seem cold in Tomorrow Corporation’s later games.
Lastly, I’m pretty sure that Welcome to the Information Superhighway is a prequel to World of Goo. In the latter game, said highway was abandoned years ago, according to the Sign Painter. Just my two cents and ideas.
So I was reading this again after I played little inferno again and I was thinking
Isn’t sugar plumps on the beach so maybe not the whole world is cold maybe just the city or state or wherever there at is
Thanks for reading this and sharing your ideas and I completely for got about the sign painters words
I think that your right about the information super highway being a prequel
Also human resource machine is a prequel to seven billion humans
Also the cutscene like I said is the world changing
If any one has any other suggestions on the TOMORROW THEORY I would be happy for people to add on to it it’s still kind of small and if some one wants to make a website, video or any thing else to make this theory known I think that would be great also if you do please mention me also please let the developers see this so that they can give there thoughts on it
And Braxton your comment was a good example of how people can add so credit to you it’s been a while since I’ve played the games so I’m probably forgetting alot of things
Thank you. Plus, the person saying “We’re gonna live forever” might likely be foreshadowing the highway being abandoned, or even the launch of Product Z in World of Goo that possibly ended humanity (I don’t know, no people are seen for the rest of the game though).
I love your work. I LOVE YOU ALL. For real and for ever.
Is there some way to support you? Financially perhaps? I already send you trillions of love and admiration but maybe – just maybe – that’s not enough, so… just let us know, please!
With extreme and violent love, and a really poor english,
Any updates yet at all
This is definitely one big story, and if I saw in 3 photos the construction of the guu tower, but this is only a theory.
So still no knews it’s been almost 2 years since the announcement I hope it will be a really good game
Also I wonder how you play any body have an guesses
It says it’ll be a “road-trip” adventure, but the only thing I can think of in that regard is something similar to the Oregon Trail (which doesn’t sound like something these guys would make). So, really don’t know.
So I was just thinking what if you meet that guy on 99 street from world of goo like he has an internet store or something and he offers you a blimp but the only option is to say no instead of yes like in world of goo
And since you say no that’s why he says in world of goo that no one should buy it because the very few people on his web shop that bought it said that it was horrible
Hope Kyle Gubler Will make a cool soundtrack for the game, although you always have cool soundtracks, I hope the game will be released this year.
Me too it’s been a long time
I aw on an earlier post that these games take around 2-3 years. We’re pretty close to the two-year mark, but we don’t even have a trailer yet. I hope it some news comes soon
I really hope to see some more info on the progress of the game, I loved Little Inferno since the first time I played it, I’m excited to see where your creativity will take you next!
Love your games! Have you considered releasing a sandbox version of 7BH so fans can create their own floors?
Mom: Hello? is anyone there?
Mom: Things have changed since you last visited 12 years ago!
Mom: And i can’t wait to show you
Is this MOM or just a scam?
Dear Developers
My friends and I have been waiting for over 2 years for this game to release. Any chance you could tell us when it’d release??
hi, my names john, and i just stumbled uppon you guys today. i think back in 2010 i playied a game called world of goo and i was hoocked, i probably had 200 hours of replaying the levels. i just remembered the gasme the other day, and im so happy that you guys are still working and making games!! its amazing to think the three of you guys created such amazing games, and i wanna say thanks, and good luck, and im very much looking forward to this one comeing out, thanks!!
Hey, I love 7BH and HRM (I bought and loved HRM, and bougth 7BH on launch day)
I know everybody likes making new games, but it would be really great if you did at least some DLC for any of those two games with more levels.
I would really like to play some more levels.
Also, creating a new game in those series using the Mario Maker way (built in editor and easy creation sharing platform) would be incredible.
So still no news
Hi…. Just stumbled on you guys whilst we are all quarantined due to COVID-19 and seem to have a lot more time on our hands……..
First off I played 7 Billion Humans and loved the concept, then tested World of Goo….. guys you are truly talented.
Will be trying out Little Inferno in the next few weeks…
Love ya
god damn am i excited
Jesus, these arts look fantastic! I do wait this game.
When is this coming out? I really can’t wait 🙂 Enjoying your other games meanwhile. Great job. I start to wish I was a programmer when I play your games 😀
When is it coming out?
I greatly enjoyed HRM & 7BH. Ever thought of adding more content to those 2 games? If you added a few more levels I’d buy it in a heartbeat! They wouldn’t even have to be more difficult, just different from the first versions.
Love you all. How’s dev going? If you need a hand this summer on back-end stuff, let me know. Would be thrilled to be a virtual intern. Good luck, stay healthy, God speed.
Hello, when will this game be released?
So are we just not gonna talk about yesterday?
What happend?
I want to know only one thing… WHEN?
When will it be released?
any news?
Is there anything new here?
Anybody here?
I wonder why is this place so quiet. I hope the game will be interesting, good luck!
(the internet is really a magical place, I’m sure that you think so too from this comment area, I’m ready to be surprised!)
Hello there, i don’t know why this place is so quiet all of a sudden.
maybe people just got bored and left.
who knows?
anything can happen here on the internet.
maybe someday we’ll know.
Hello ?
Hellooooo ?
Is anybody here ?
Why has this become so empty and quiet ?
So many questions…
I hope that someone will answer me.
(I miss the internet, it was such a magical place!)
Game dev takes tttttiiiiimmmmeeeeee. I suggest we all have patience.
I’m a huge fan of your games particularly World of Goo please please please do a version for VR like oculus…. I think the style and format of WOG would be incredible in a VR format.
Hi guys. Huge fan of Little Inferno, cant wait for this new game but I hope there is a sequel to Little Inferno someday. Stay safe.
And now there is!
Well, here we are, yet again.
at this place of creativity and hope.
hope for your guys future games.
witch i am sure are going to be just butiful, magestic, awe-inspiring, amazing, awsome, gems of some very sweet hart-felt experinces for all to enjoy.
thanks for making these pefect games tomorrow coroation.
and as allways…
the future is…
– from NATE CORP.
why are you so exited, alex?
and also, i will always love all of the tomorrow cororation games.
that even includes:
– world of goo
– little inferno
– human resource machine
– 7 billion humans
and, yes, even “welcome to the information superhighway”.
so, yet again,
why are you so exited?
It’s just about time, isn’t it?
time to go.
and go and go and go.
go where?
i don’t know.
wherever it is…
it’s somewhere here…
in the modern day information superhighway.
we just call it the internet.
but WHY?
Why do they call Internet …
The word Internet is a combination of two words. First is the prefix “inter,” which means between or among. The second part–“net”–is short for network, …
Source- the free
It was invented by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn
Two years (and more) form announce and counting… No news from then. Is this project alive?
don’t know…
but we, the fans, do indeed care about this!
Damn pandemic, they seem to have thwarted all their plans, they promised 7 million people for android last year, but they promised so by the end of the yearWhat are they doing there? Do they have hundreds of networks, does anyone know?
I finished 7BH, waiting on this now. Looking forward and hope it’s not dead.
I would like to know if there is an add in Route 99 available for World of Goo Android version?
Would “Welcome to the Information Superhighway” an easy game?I really hope so
Guys, Your team is one of the greatest developers for games out there, dont forget that.
You guys are always in the back of my mind, with some of the most memorable games out there. Im looking forward to this game and hopefully new ones in the future. (World of Goo 2??).
Anyways, keep up the amazing work!
Kyle, I love your music, and I hope you make some great pieces in the future!
dude, WoG was 13 years ago, WoG 2 is never gonna exist officially.
Hello. I’m looking forward to this game.
Are there any World of Goo Route 99 music that I can download?
Its been a year and a half. I hate to say it, but I’m starting to lose hope.
Edit: TWO years and a half.
This guy comes all the days to check their games..!! he is real fan
Is there any World of Goo Level Editor available for Android?
Please give us an update of some kind. If you’re not going to finish the game at least let us know.
Guys Don’t worry….Every tomorrow corporation game took 3 years…even if this game take 5 years….it still doesn’t matter
I have got a question about experimental gameplay project. I wanted to play some games here, but carries me over to blog page on THIS website. Btw I love your games <3
Quiero que salga ya el juego
Todos queremos que comience el juego, pero si sabes algo de inglés, escríbelo.
btw that translates into: We all want the game to start, but if you know any english, please type in it.
Also, now that i’m back i have to ask if any people here are still in quarintine even after all these years (months not years)?
ya kno what?
that’s how i feel today
That’s how i feel every day
Guys ..
You don’t know how much I love your work ..
I’m waiting your new game for years.
I hope I become as much intelligent as you guys
Hope also give me information about your childhood and your career path and how you guys program such games like that .
The games you guys doing is better than big games like ac vallhala, cod ,and destiny 2 for me I want to know how to become like you guys and what programing language you use.
With much love♥️♥️ …
Sry for bad grammer btw.
Don’t lose hope!
Can’t wait for it to come out!
Any news on this game recently?
Are those guys still alive?? Am really worried!!
I’m worried about their life, too. Because it’s too silent here.
Are Route 99 and Mighty Blimp available in Nintendo Switch? I have tried to get the last Easter Egg on World of Goo but failed. Please reply thanks
The NC is back.
We are here to ask if the new game will ever release & if it does, when?
greetings from Russia! thank you guys for your games! love all of them <3 they have been a large part of my childhood. hope to see this new game sooner (or later) 🙂
Hey, just passing from Brazil to say i’m a fan and i can’t wait to play this game <3
Just want to share the same – I love all of their games and really hope everything is OK with them. And that this new game is in the works, too.
Hey guys! Hope you all are doing fine, thank you for your games!!!!
2 years ago you showed this new project and I’m still looking forward to it! Could you tell us how the development is going? Greetings from Spain!
2021 and still nothing from you guys!! That sucks!!!
Hello and happe new year to everyone.
Guys come on^^, so much time has passed since the announcment. You cannot leave us without news on 2021 !!
Jokes appart, I hope everything goes well with the development. I can’t wait to play your next game. I love your work.
Does World of Goo Level Editor available on Nintendo Switch? I want to know which platform does WOG available?
Hello from Switzerland. Love your games!
Listen, you used to publish at least something on the site, but right now it’s generally stalled like a machine, what are you doing there?
Patience people. You’ll get the game soon enough. Devs often leave fans in the dark when they make games, it’s just a thing them indie games do.
Also WoG2 will probably come out someday, whether that’ll be by Tomorrow Corp(/2D Boy) themselves, or a bunch of modders getting fed up and making it themselves. Hopefully the first since they’ve heard popular demand (in the event that they really are that tone deaf or something turns out WoG has a really cool and kinda active modding community so it’ll probably get done one way or the other)
Listen here, the WoG modding community is only about modding WoG! are you blind? IT LITERALLY SAYS ITS FOR WOG IN THE NAME! And they didnt even make a chapter maker for WoG because Daft as Brush left that community in 2010/2011.. and he was the one making the level editors, gooball editors and move editors.
February 24, 2021, 12:26 AM…. nothing.
we are screwed
no updates = no game, and possibly, no more dev team.
because of the virus outbreak, maybe…….
I mailed them two weeks ago without any response. I hope you guys are still alive and hacking very busy the new game 🙂
I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time and we don’t know anything. I would love for you to give some hint or sign of life that the game is still developing. Greetings continue like this!
I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time and we don’t know anything. I would love for you to give some hint or sign of life that the game is still developing. Greetings continue like this!
Hey! Are you alive? Is it worth waiting for the game?
its been 2 years, 2 YEARS. I think they quit their job honestly because we got almost no updates from them, also, why is the feed only showing source code for the website and how do i enter the actual feed?
I still being optimist. The game will be amazing.. like the others!
wdadawda dadw QW DKHG AwlidFYad AWDYFLF< Fjgh hGJg hkh GYGWIUGF{AWf089uwf=_A(F*your adopted
I think they’re already dead(
I just 100% 7BH, what a lovely game!
We here at the Nate Corp have pretty much given up on ever having this game, but we all hope that the devs are ok and aren’t just, well, dead.
Message sent to all of you people.
We hope that all of you can do something with this game.
even if we have to wait 999 years for it.
This will be our last goodbye.
I doubt that they are dead. Kyle Gabler seems to have updated his personal website ( multiple times in december and january, which really gives me hope
I think that we’re not getting anything is because Corona hit the development of the game hard. If something had happened with the devs, we probably would’ve heard about it
I’m very confused
I have made a great discovery! Based on what I found, Kyle Gabler is not dead/given up on Tomorrow Corp! This can be backed up with the fact he updated his personal website recently, with more of his game soundtracks. This proves he is still around and kicking, and also shows Tomorrow Corp. Might still be around!
Good luck waiting everyone!
-Another patiently waiting fan of Tomorrow Corporation.
wow, you’re true!
I just checked with the wayback machine and it really seems like the website changed around December/January. This really gives me hope
But I can’t find where he added game soundtracks, only that he removed Indie Fund and Experimental Gameplay Project and that he added old prototypes.
Yeah, that’s actually pretty concerning…
I have my hopes up. They are still around, really. People are coming up with proof.
Its probably just like how long development takes for good games.
Also why doesnt the Experimental Gameplay Group exist anymore lol.
I have my hopes up. They are still around, really. People are coming up with proof.
Its probably just like how long development takes for good games.
Also why doesnt the Experimental Gameplay Group exist anymore lol.
bruh it sent my comment when it detected it as a dupe and now theres 2 comments
I think it has been renamed to Tomorrow Corporation.
I hope you guys are making a great game.
Wow I am so looking forward to this new project.
I hope it comes with the Portuguese language, it would be perfect
Sim Bruno, Sim
Hopefully it has a cell phone, after all there is already a release date?
More than 3 years with no news about this. I think Tomorrow Corporation is now Past Corporation. Rest in peace.
Thats sad( RIP
Hey I love your games so much! They’re really helpful for programmers. Lots of coding/programming games out there aren’t as good as yours. Please keep making games! I’m only 17, when I grow up and work in IT I will definitely support you guys with some money! Love you guys!
haha no matter how long it takes Just waiting, as always, for a great game to come out. I’ll play it on my computer, but if it’s possible on Android I’ll explode.
Desde pequeño eh jugado sus juegos desde Little inferno hasta human machine sabe que, el punto es que su diseño artístico me fascina espero sigan teniendo estándares altos y tomense su tiempo, ojalá puedan publicar el próximo juego directamente en consolas. Los amo ATTE: AZUCARILLA
Desde pequeño eh jugado sus juegos desde Little inferno hasta human machine sabe que, el punto es que su diseño artístico me fascina espero sigan teniendo estándares altos y tomense su tiempo, ojalá puedan publicar el próximo juego directamente en consolas. Los amo ATTE: AZUCARILLA
very intresting and and awsome pls release date
hi im a huge fan i played world of goo little inferno and all your games
yeah i seen informination hight way before
can you make world of goo2 ? or a same game as 7 billion human but robots are attackd and we have to program workers to pick up guns ,shoot the robots check gun range command and more
Love the songs of the current information superhighway in World of goo, i’m really hype with this project, and no doubt that the soundtrack will be anwsome ! love from France
Hi, huge fan of your past works and I hope we will get a release date for the next game soon. I played the games a while ago, but they will forever remain in my heart. Thank you so much for your work, really affected me in a right way. Love you Tomorrow Corp. <3
Really good 🙂
Sacad ya el juegooooo por favooor
Acabo de terminar “7 Billion humans” el último que me faltaba de la colección. Toca seguir esperando. Ánimo!
I’ve been waiting patiently and now will wait impatiently. Hope the legendary team will deliver another masterpiece in a few years.
Merry Christmas evreyone!!!! And I say bravo!! to a legendary studio, hoping for their next success!
really enojoyed playing human resource machine & 70 billion humans
wonderful team with superb works
happy new year to you three
You have gamified assembler, multithreading and now the internet. What is next? Quantum computing?
Love your games.
Keep up the good work!
7 billion humans should be taught in primary schools to give children a base understanding of logic.
I will forever be thankful to you guys for putting in the energy to create such a formative game.
can’t wait for your next one, I guess will be a further upgrade of the previous one! <3
are yall still working on this game ? we haven’t heard news in a while, did something happen to yall ?
Keep on doing what you’re doing and take as long as you need to do it. Tomorrow Corporation is the best. I have a feeling that Welcome to the Information Superhighway is going to be your finest game yet…
Looks fantastic already, love your games and can’t wait to visit Fisty’s Blog on the Information Superhighway! Already gearing up for 56K’s worth of Baud action!
Just replayed 7 billion humans and am excited really excited to hear more about this game, you guys rock!
Hello. Hope y’all are fine and doing great.
Really love your games, really love the art for your games, really love the music for your games. Still waiting for your next one, take your time, I’m sure it’s gonna be great.
Times are strange but we believe in y’all. <3
I love you guys and your games, I can’t wait for this new one! I bet whatever you guys do with it will be great! Luv you all ☺️
World of goo
Played World Of Goo when I was a young kid, now I am working as a programmer and still love all of your games, love the inner-connection between the storys, cant wait for the SUPERHIGHWAY
Ojalá este juego nuevo que va a salir muy pronto sería otra continuación del juego Little inferno para que sigamos con el protagonista qué nos encontramos al final del juego y que si vamos siguiendo con el consejo de (“ir tan lejos como puedas y no habrá vuelta atrás”) y para que al final nos volvemos a encontrar con azú (“azúcarilla”)
P.D Perdon por poner mal mi nombre mi nombre era (“maximitolol1”)
can wait to play your new game,few have made games as unique as yours
2022, almost dying to play this game <3
I love your games very much,and I want to know when can I enjoy your new game.Forgive my pool English.期待你们的新游戏。
Little Inferno will celebrate his tenth anniversary,and I’m working on game-related analysis.
Thank you for your inspiration. Looking forward to more works<3
Tower of Goo
Where can I find this game and the authors.
Today marks 1,710 days since this post. Fun.
im extremely excited for this game! im hoping this’ll be a point and click adventure game, in the style of the ending of little inferno. i cant wait!
Will we have any updates? Looking forward to any information from you.
Ah. It would change everything if this came out eventually. I would not be surprised if it got canceled. However perfection does take a long time, a very long time. keep it up if tomorrow corp is workin and seein this!
What type of game is the Welcome to the information Superhighway?
And also, happy anniversary of 10th year.
I play your games since x-mas and I became a big fan!
I exited for this.
BUT: Take your time to delover the best quality, there’s no need to rush.
Im excited to try this game when it comes out. I have always been a big fan ever since world of goo and love what you guys do. It’s better to wait as long as you need to develop the game since it is better for a game to not be rushed and have heart put into it, which a lot of your games have
Happy anniversary to little inferno!
They made a dlc sequel for the 10th anniversary! It’s really good.
it seems news is coming close with all the recent stuff
Is there any more news on this game? Its been like 4 years . . .
I cant believe its been 5 years already! Hope to hear more news on this game soon!
Can’t wait for this game!!
I can’t wait to revisit this world <3
its been uhhh like, 5 years? crazy how fast time passes. but wowee thats a long time. anyways i hope developments going well. remember that you have changed so many lives, an- wait that sounds pressuring… uhhh. Remember that nomatter what it is we’ll all scrungle it all up and analyze every single part. <3 okay byyyeee
Take all the time you need! This seems like it will be a cool game.