We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Archive for the ‘Welcome to the Information Superhighway’ Category

HEY KIDS! Little Inferno Sold 1 Million Copies!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

We’ve been so busy working on 7 Billion Humans, that we almost missed an exciting milestone last month: Little Inferno has sold over 1 Million Copies! If we include bundles, that number is actually closer to 2 million legitimate purchases of the Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace – we hope they’ve kept everyone warm!

To celebrate we’re running a Summer in the Winter Sale on all of our platforms – starting today we’re putting Little Inferno and Human Resource Machine on sale everywhere (Thursday for the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo Switch).

We wish we could visit everyone who bought Little Inferno and ask each person millions of questions – but until we’re able to do that, we thought we’d dig through the ashes and see what we could discover. Here’s what we found!


Welcome to the Information Superhighway

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018

In addition to wrapping up 7 Billion Humans, we’ve also been quietly working on another new game – currently going by the title “Welcome to the Information Superhighway“. (We last visited that highway a long time ago, in a very different game!)

This is shaping up to be one of the more game-like games we’ve made. We’ve got a long way to go on a long crooked road, but thought we’d update here as we discover more about it.

What is this internet highway all the kids are faxing about these days? Can I go on an incredible road trip and make lots of broken new friends along the way? Isn’t Tomorrow Corporation made of three grumpy old people who don’t know how to use social media? Yes!

Here’s some concept art for you to send to your dot matrix printer.

Want to be notified about our new games? We send fewer than one message per year, and only of the highest quality!

Welcome to the Information Superhighway - Magenta
Welcome to the Information Superhighway - Cyan
Welcome to the Information Superhighway - Yellow