We are a 3 person team. Here are our games so far:

Posts Tagged ‘Sysiac Games’

The Captain has come home… to the Nintendo Switch!

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

ATTENTION SWITCH FANS: Sysiac Game’s brilliant retro-inspired comedy adventure game, The Captain has a Nintendo Switch release (launch?) date… and that date is… TODAY!

It’s been a long journey for our two intrepid Swedish indie friends Peter and Benny at Sysiac Games, but after a lot of work the Captain has landed on the Nintendo Switch as part of Nintendo’s excellent House of Indies Holiday Event!

If you’ve been waiting for a hilarious modern comedy adventure game, wait no longer! Now available in English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.

Learn more about The Captain and get it for the Nintendo Switch here.

Happy Holidays everyone, and congratulations to Peter and Benny on their beautiful game!

SET FACES TO STUNNED: The Captain is Out!

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

The excellent comedy adventure – The Captain – is now available, so put down your blaster and pick up a copy!

Made by two Swedish guys, The Captain is a journey home across the galaxy. Collect new friends. Make new enemies. You won’t be able to save everyone. Who will you leave behind? Which civilizations will you save – or destroy – along the way? The decisions are all up to you. And they have consequences.

You are… The Captain!

And it’s available… now!

(Read on for info on a Special Discount for our supporters.)

– A modern comedy adventure game, inspired by the classics that we all loved in the 90’s.

– Want to search the screen for a single pixel to click on? No! This is the future!

– The Captain has over 30+ hours of gameplay. Will you make it home across the galaxy in time to save your loved ones… and the Earth? Probably not! That’s ok, failure is fun too. You can re-play any of the scenarios to see how things could have turned out… differently.

– A full-stocked battle system, that you never have to use! Will you upgrade your energy blasters? Or your rockets? Or… will you avoid conflict altogether and upgrade your engine to plot the fastest course home?

– A factorial explosion’s worth of ways to save the world! Your journey home is a series of mini-adventures, each with multiple endings. Do you save the trapped scientist, or leave her to a well-deserved fate? Do you leave a powerful alien artifact to its people, or steal it to save your planet? The choices are all yours.

– The Captain is available in English, German, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish – with more languages on the way!

Pick up The Captain now!

Pick up a copy of The Captain now on Steam, Epic, GOG, or directly from the developers at the Sysiac Games website.

As a special thank you for our fans, for a limited time, you’ll get a 10% discount if you own one of our other titles!

Thank you for supporting Tomorrow Corporation! We are still a small team of 3 guys, and we hope you love our first published games as much as we do!

Your friends,
Kyle, Kyle, and Allan

Captain On Deck! Interviewing Peter and Benny, Developers of The Captain.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

Tomorrow Corporation is primarily known for making offbeat games in classy settings, so you would be forgiven for not knowing that we enjoy manly pursuits, like salmon wrastlin’, oxford knot speed tying, and no-holds-bar, take-no-prisoners interviews.

Well be surprised no longer! In the interview below, our own hardball hitting interviewer, Kyle Gabler, sat down with Sysiac Game’s Peter Hedin to get straight to the facts about their upcoming game, The Captain.

What is the Captain? What are fuel cells made of? And which Kyle is the handsomest?

Let’s have a listen, shall we?

You are two guys making a game that spans the galaxy. How did that happen? What’s your origin story?

Peter: We got to know each other as teenagers and quickly discovered that we both had a desire to make games. At that time the predominant hardware was the all mighty Amiga 500. Benny was a coder lacking in the graphics department and I was a graphics artist severely deficient in coding. We were a perfect match.  

What exactly do you do in the Captain? Is it like a point and click adventure game or something? What games/books/media/etc inspired it?

Peter: At its core, The Captain is a point-and-click adventure but we have tried to expand on that theme. We loved games like Monkey Island and Space Quest growing up. They all have one thing in common though, they all have one line of solutions. We wanted to try and give more of an open feeling to the genre.  We did this by dividing the game up into multiple adventures much like a 90’s sci-fi series such as Star Trek the Next Generation. Each planet has its own mystery or dilemma.  And each with multiple endings. This is all encapsulated by an overarching story and goal to give the player a purpose.

We here at Tomorrow Corporation also grew up playing Space Quest!
We here at Tomorrow Corporation also grew up playing Space Quest!

You’re building a game that contains tough choices just like real Star Trek captains would face. Can you describe (without spoilers) some of the tough dilemmas you encounter on your journey?

Peter: We have tried to be as diverse as possible with our mini-adventures. Your personal gains weighed against the overall moral cost. Will you sacrifice an ancient cultural heritage for the possibility of some alien technology? Is it ok to spend the night with another as a married man to better the chance to save the earth?

Tell me, how is your game so amazing? – Dandy Wheeler, Tomorrow Corporation Public Relations Strategist

Peter: We are trying to do something new with the point and click genre. And we hope people will find the mini-adventure mechanic fresh. I personally really like the space battle system we have in the game. But if you don’t ever want to fight, we have designed it for you to reach the end without ever engaging in it.

How did you end up working with Tomorrow Corporation? Which Kyle is the handsomest?

Peter: Early in the development, we realized this would be a project too big for two guys to finalize without any economic and moral support. We found Indie Fund after a desperate internet search for help. They wanted to see what we were working on and that’s when the magnificent creature they call Kyle Gabler emerged through the smoke with his hand reached out. Much later in the process we found that if Tomorrow Corporation wanted to publish our game we would be honored. Concerning which Kyle is the most handsome. It’s easy! Kyle G without a doubt.

Kyle Gray: <flexes his abs>

Kyle Gabler: <does the bend and snap>

What are your top three episodes of Star Trek (and you can’t say Inner Light)?

Peter: A top 3 Star Trek episode list is close to impossible. There are so many. I’ll have to go with ”The Drumhead” (STTNG),  ”Elementary, Dear Data” (STTNG), ”Remember me” (STTNG).

If you lived on a galaxy-class starship, what would be your role in the ship’s hierarchy?

Peter: I don’t know about Benny but I would not have climbed the career ladder very far after getting assigned to a galaxy-class starship with a holo-deck installed.

What tools do you guys use to make your game? For art, audio, programming, etc?

Peter: For this game, we have been using Unity game engine. I use Photoshop for the graphics and Audacity for the sound.

What would you be doing with your life if you weren’t making games?

Peter: Dreaming about them!

Who is your favorite character in The Captain?

Peter: I could go with the human meat-eating smuggler rodent located at the space barrier but I think perhaps the adventurer and philanthropic treasure hunter Kim Spiner. Her lifestyle appears fun and full of good stories. Also the very uncooperative and grumpy shuttle.

A peek inside Kim Spiner’s house. She has excellent taste in art.

Shields, Blasters, Missiles, or no-combat?

Peter: All of the above!

How has The Captain changed over the years? Any original art?

Peter: The game was originally conceived as a much smaller game that would be designed around the mechanic of being replayed multiple times. Even though it still is, it has grown and become much more fleshed out. The graphics have changed drastically over the years and I don’t think there is any pixel asset in the game that hasn’t been redrawn several times. 

Did you have to cut any of the adventures within the game?

Peter: We have cut many ideas that never left the drawing board. But there was a mini adventure that got pretty far before we decided to leave it. I think it was to be called ”Bureaucracy Boggle”. It was a small episode where the Captain would have to navigate the over-complicated bureaucracy jungle of Lyme to gain access to their system. Sounds fun, doesn’t it!

We hope we get to enjoy the delightfully unique pain of a bloated bureaucracy in future Sysiac Game’s titles.

Race Across the Galaxy in: The Captain

Monday, August 30th, 2021

ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS OF THE INTERNET: We are thrilled to announce that Tomorrow Corporation is publishing The Captain, an excellent comedy adventure game by our very talented friends, Peter and Benny, at Sysiac Games.

Who is the Captain?
You play as Captain Thomas Welmu, a Spacefleet science officer, lost on the other side of the galaxy. Dark forces are en route to Earth to destroy our planet – and you are carrying the only thing that can stop them.

Race back home across the galaxy. Collect new friends on your journey. Make new enemies. You won’t be able to save everyone. Who will you leave behind? Which civilizations will you save – or destroy – along the way? The decisions are all up to you.

You are… The Captain!

We’re Looking For Beta Testers and Volunteer Translators!

You can find more images, info, and pre-order The Captain HERE for a chance to participate in the beta. Speak a non-English language? As with our own titles, we’re also looking for brave volunteer translators – especially for French, German, Italian, and Russian!

If you’re interested in translating, please fill out this survey. As always, volunteer translators will be included in the game’s credits and will be contacted for future Tomorrow Corporation projects.

I’d like to keep an eye on The Captain on my Platform of Choice!

Wishlist The Captain on Steam for more information and updates.

Or Wishlist The Captain on the Epic Game Store.

Or Wishlist The Captain on GOG.