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Little Inferno Soundtrack Now Available

Little Inferno Soundtrack

The Little Inferno soundtrack is now available here, for free. Enjoy!

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31 Responses to “Little Inferno Soundtrack Now Available”

  1. Eddie says:

    Yay! Thanks Kyle!

  2. Thomas says:

    whoa! this made my day, thanks a bunch man. and even in flac, very classy of you.

  3. emayer says:

    Thank you very much for this! Great game, Little Inferno is!

  4. Lucien WS says:

    OH MY GOD : Happy Merry Beautiful Christmas to all of the Indie Community !

    Again, Little Inferno has warmed my hearth, thanks Mates !

  5. Fantastic! Very warm and touching. Thanks a lot!

  6. Daxar says:

    Aww, I was hoping that there was a longer version of the 8-bit Little Inferno theme. Oh, well. I suppose I have enough chiptune on my iPod as it is…

    Also, the writeup for track 17 implies that Kyle Gabler is homosexual. Interesting.

  7. puggsoy says:

    This is awesome, I was hoping it’d be free! Thanks so much you guys!

  8. Sheeft says:

    Thanks a lot !

  9. trekeyus says:

    Thanks. happy holidays

  10. kringel says:

    From the link: “music that sounded like it could have been written in that time of VHS tapes and Stan Winston special effects, with clear, hummable melodies for each character and theme.”

    Wow, love it! That’s exactly how I feel. The last piece from that great 80s/90s era is the soundtrack from Jurassic Park. Sort of a time where the whole family went to the cinema, and *not* watching event-driven unorganic “family entertainment™” movies.

    The end of “Gate operator, open the Gates!” really got me during playing the game. And the last flute(?) part reminds me of “LOTR: Return of the King” soundtrack. And for me ‘Little Inferno’ has the same epicness. 🙂

    Thank you very much! And happy holidays.


    Shopping/Catalog theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfseco-7bs) is a great somewhat 50s music. A little bit slow down and it could have been from the “Lawrence Welk Show”. Their “Apples and Bananas” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUQT8ABeTrw) is also great happy shopping music, — not only, but also.

    In the second trailer for ‘Little Inferno’, we can hear that this Catalog Theme also has a real beginning. It’s not only a loop. Could you release this, too? Would be so cool. Anyways, this soundtrack is great and heart-warming. Perfect timing. Thanks very much!!

  11. Random Oil Man says:

    Lovely. Thank you very much Karl! Another great soundtrack to be played over and over again!

  12. FireFly says:


  13. Quence says:

    Amazing work! I love the music for this game and World of Goo! I too want the shopping catalog music though!

  14. Dancrusher says:

    Where’s the catalog theme? can you include that, or can someone tell me what it’s called?

  15. sherry says:

    Help. Anyone know how to download little inferno on a mac air? I’m a tech challenged mom with a son a little excited to play this game.

    • Kyle Gabler says:

      Hey Sherry, we do not have a Mac version yet, though many players have reported it runs with BootCamp on their Macs just fine. Can any players who have had success with this advise?

  16. movildima says:

    Thank you very much for this soundtrack guys!
    And, maybe its strange but Little Inferno Beta track makes me remember the Tumbler track from World of Goo.

  17. Mitja says:

    Thank you so much for a free soundtrack! Really appreciated. All the best in forthcoming year Tomorrow Corp!

  18. Yester says:

    Wonderful! You made all of these only on computer?

  19. VoR says:

    Cheers! Incredible game, fantastic soundtrack! Totally worth the $15!

  20. Bart says:

    Amazing soundtrack..

    Yeah I wanted to say something but I can’t think of any words that would fit..


  21. Ken says:

    Free!? And in FLAC!?
    You guys kick more ass than an angry farmer. The music in this game is profoundly moving, and to just give it away is a very, very classy move of you.
    *fanboy forever*

  22. Tash says:

    I just finished the game, and had a teary at the end. Kyle the music is beautiful. Thanks so much for making it available for us 🙂

  23. Jordan says:

    This game was simply brilliant and warmed me just as my little inferno fireplace warmed all the things I got to ashes. The soundtrack was my favorite part of the game and I am so happy you compiled it into a soundtrack just for the fans. Thank you Kyle.
    -Tomorrow Corporation

  24. Patrick says:

    Great game, some hard combos

  25. tottytwo says:

    i wish more games were for mac…… like little inferno……. and there was a free Demo……

  26. jhon says:

    you shold make this game for apple or android , its so fun¡

  27. The shopping music is Window Gazing by Ivor Slaney, I managed to find an mp3 that was kinda low quality so i mastered it and added a bit of reverb to give it the auditorium effect http://picosong.com/FdXs/

  28. Spino says:

    Great soundtrack!

    Never realized before how a mobile device game (I got it at a humble bundle searching for android version, charity and great games… great!) soundtrack was.

    Such music is “that thing you hear (not listen) whilst playing”… but this one is quite worth your time to enjoy it like this, outside the game… and for free!

    Great job Kyle Gabler, great game dudes!

    Regards and Merry Chrismas!